Problems persist in the global supply chain, and they may get worse before they get better.
(FORBES) Did The Fed Policy Shift Destroy The Reflation Trade?
Last week, the Fed surprised the market with a shift in policy, vowing to act early to arrest inflation. Naturally, this hurt trades based on the reflation narrative. Are they still worth holding, or is it time to bail? I cover some of the issues in my latest article on Forbes. Click here to read …
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(FORBES) (Published Works) The Treasury Bond Market Is Getting Destroyed. Is It Time To Buy?
Treasury bond yields surged to a new post-pandemic high last week, extending the bear market that began in August of last year. When will it end? Please click here to read the entire article on Forbes.
(FORBES) Bond Market Crowded Trades May Lead To Post-Election Surprise Move
Speculative shorts in bond futures are at extreme levels. The crowd may be right, but if there is not a Democratic sweep in the election, the short covering could be equally extreme. Click here to read the entire article on Forbes.
(FORBES) Beware Of The Hidden Costs In Commodity Investing
Over the last few months, gold has made a new all-time high, oil appears to have bottomed, and a restart of the global economy could lead to a more robust demand for industrial metals like copper. Commodities often do better when investors experience or anticipate rising inflation. It may indeed be time to own commodities, …
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(FORBES) Profits From Fed Balance Sheet Expansion Could Top $140 Billion
Assistance provided by the Federal Reserve does not come for free. Every program that is part of the balance sheet expansion earns a spread. Like all depository institutions, the spread is the difference between where it borrows money and where it lends. With its aggressive balance sheet expansion and interest rates pinned near zero for …
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(FORBES) Three Moves You Can Still Make If You Went Into The Crisis Fully Invested
Many people entered 2020 fully-invested in their investment portfolios. Fully invested does not necessarily mean 100% allocated to stocks. It means that you had an asset allocation mix that did not leave you with more than 5-10% cash. But fear not; you don’t need to be sitting on a pile of cash to take advantage …
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(FORBES) My Financial Advisor Wants Me To Do What?
Conversations between financial advisors and their clients are going to get more difficult in the coming months. With bond yields collapsing around the world, it is harder and harder to justify their role in long-term portfolios focused on total return. I can imagine the conversation going something like this: Click here to read the entire …
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(FORBES) Dazed And Confused. Why Do So Many Investors Hate The Stock Market?
Markets have an uncanny knack for moving in the direction that hurts the most people. Right now, that direction appears to be higher. Aside from a few minor setbacks, the equity market has marched higher to new record after new record, leaving many investors bewildered over the move. Yet, even after a 23% total return …
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(FORBES) Is Trump Right About The Fed?
No matter your political view, you have to admit President Trump is entertaining. But are his views on monetary policy and interest rates accurate? Click here to read the entire post on Forbes