NTT Data’s annual study on the current state of the global supply chain offers clues into how the logistics industry is managing through the worst crisis in decades.
(FORBES) (Published Works) Supply Chain Chaos Spreads To Inland Waterways
The inland waterways system plays a vital role in trade and is a critical component in the U.S. supply chain. Similar to other parts of the supply chain, signs of stress are emerging.
(FORBES) (Published Works) Democrat Tax Proposals For Retirement Accounts Will Affect More Than The Wealthy
House Democrats proposed sweeping changes to retirement accounts on Monday as part of a restructuring of the tax code designed to target the wealthy. Average investors are caught in the crosshairs.
(FORBES) Excess Cash In Your Portfolio Is An Option, But What Is That Option Worth?
Rich valuations, desire for liquidity, and fear of volatility are all reasons why investors sometimes want dry powder. But how can we quantify the cost of sitting on excess cash?
(FORBES) No End In Sight For The COVID-Led Global Supply Chain Disruption
Problems persist in the global supply chain, and they may get worse before they get better.
(Media Engagements) (PODCASTS) Leaders of Tomorrow Podcast
I had the pleasure of joining Chris Thompson on the Leaders of Tomorrow podcast. We discussed a lot of topics from my book, including advice on how aspiring traders can get their first job in the industry.
(FORBES) Did The Fed Policy Shift Destroy The Reflation Trade?
Last week, the Fed surprised the market with a shift in policy, vowing to act early to arrest inflation. Naturally, this hurt trades based on the reflation narrative. Are they still worth holding, or is it time to bail? I cover some of the issues in my latest article on Forbes. Click here to read …
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(Media Engagements) (PODCASTS) Kickoff Sessions Podcast
I joined Darren Lee on Kickoff Sessions to discuss the various means to stand out in interviews and push both your character and experience. Spotify: Apple: Follow Kickoff Sessions:
(FORBES) (Published Works) The Treasury Bond Market Is Getting Destroyed. Is It Time To Buy?
Treasury bond yields surged to a new post-pandemic high last week, extending the bear market that began in August of last year. When will it end? Please click here to read the entire article on Forbes.
(FORBES) Bond Market Crowded Trades May Lead To Post-Election Surprise Move
Speculative shorts in bond futures are at extreme levels. The crowd may be right, but if there is not a Democratic sweep in the election, the short covering could be equally extreme. Click here to read the entire article on Forbes.