Garth is quoted by Bloomberg News about challenges in communication strategies from the Federal Reserve. Click here for the full article.
(CNBC TV) Politics of Investing
Garth appears on CNBC television to discuss the impact of the election on the market. Click here to watch the video.
(BARCLAY) Smooth Sailing for Hedge Funds During Two-Year Credit Rally
Garth contributes to a Barclay Roundtable discussion regarding positioning fixed-income investment portfolios in the post-crisis era. Click here for the full roundtable discussion.
(CNBC TV) “Black Swan” Hedging Strategies
Garth appears on CNBC television to discuss portfolio hedging strategies. Click here to watch the video.
(BLOOMBERG TV) Friesen Says Tail Events Occur More Than Statistics Show
Interview with Erik Schatzker on Bloomberg TV. Click to see video
(NEW YORK FED) New York Fed Announces Creation of the Investor Advisory Committee on Financial Markets
Garth is mentioned in a press release from the New York Fed on the creation of the Investor Advisory Committee on Financial Markets. Click here to read the press release.
(ALPHA MAGAZINE) Crisis? What Crisis
Garth writes about the 2007 credit crisis and how it was sparked by credit derivatives. Click here for the full article.